Dr. Stacey Starling
Dr. Stacey Starling received her Ph.D. in the Humanities with a concentration in Transformative Learning & Change from the School of Consciousness and Transformation at the California Institute of Integral Studies. CIIS’s distinctive signature is the development of an integral education that combines academic scholarship with spiritual transformation. Dr. Starling carries forward this same tradition in her work with organization transformation and human development in both the private and non-profit sectors. Specializing in strength-based methods and approaches, her key capacities include Transformative & Transpersonal Learning Methods, Instructional Systems Design, Core ExpressionsTM Leadership Development, Systems Design, Appreciative Inquiry, Stakeholder Feedback Systems, Executive Coaching, and Climate & Culture Assessment. In recent years, Dr. Starling has served as key personnel in several funded projects that aim to transform the culture of aging in healthcare. Additional certifications include an Appreciative Inquiry Certificate in Positive Business and Society Change at Case Western Reserve University Weatherhead School of Management and a Certified Instructor of Transpersonal Learning at The Living University founded by Gay and Kathleen Hendricks. Inspired by Gregory Bateson’s notion of the “difference that makes a difference”.
Dr. Starling models her commitment to a pluralistic and generative practice; a willingness to challenge the assumptions and limited thinking that underpin the traditional practice of adult learning and organization development. When people transform, organizations transform.