Assessment of Organizational Effectiveness and Culture

Diagnosis and

The main objective of this intervention is to assess the extent to which the organization exhibits a high performance culture and is functioning as a high performance system with optimized operations.  This intervention may include such data gathering techniques as personal interviews, focus groups, observations, and the administration of the “Organizational Effectiveness Survey”. In particular, through the administration of the OES survey, the organization is assessed in terms of key organizational dimensions which have been found in previous administrations to be strong predictors of employee and organizational performance,  effective talent management, innovation, competitiveness, profitability, as well as employee motivation and engagement.

During the last 24 years, the OES survey has been administered in numerous organizations and in multiple countries.  In the United States, the participating organizations have been small and large, and represented the auto industry, manufacturing, service, technology, and health care sectors. Some of the Fortune 500 U.S. organizations in which the OES survey was implemented are the Chrysler Corporation, Penske Corporation, Federal Mogul Corporation, BJC Hospitals, and Blue Cross Blue Shield.

The OES survey can be supplemented with new  customized scales specifically  designed  and developed to address  unique client needs.

Once the gathered data is analyzed, though the use of our scientific methodologies very insightful and comprehensive reports are produced.  Opportunities for improvement are identified and prioritized, and action plans  recommended accordingly. Our laser focused reports will serve as a guide for the development of high performance cultures, to optimize the ability of the organization to attract, motivate, and retain top talent, as well as compete, innovate, and perform at high levels.  The generated data will also serve as a benchmark for future assessments as well as determine how well your organization compares to industry norm, in relation to more than 50 key cultural and performance levers.


In addition to the aforementioned analyses, an assortment of user friendly reports may be generated that will assist the client to focus attention on critical success factors affecting organizational performance. Examples of such reports are:

1. Identification of critical organizational factors that are empirically linked to:

● High performance culture
● Profitability
● Organizational competitiveness
● Innovation
● Productivity performance
● Quality performance
● Customer satisfaction and loyalty

2. Identification of critical organizational factors influencing the following aspects of organizational performance:

● Talent attraction, talent retention, motivation, turnover, absenteeism, job satisfaction,
organizational satisfaction, engagement, and commitment
● Leadership and supervisory effectiveness
● Rapid change adaptation, speed and flexibility
● Training effectiveness
● Rapid technology assimilation